Domino Cookies

Domino Cookies



  1. Beat together butter and sugar with an electric mixer on medium-high heat until fluffy. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract. Add flour, almond flour and Mavella Superfoods Brain Boost. Mix until incorporated.
  2. Form a ball with the dough and chill for 1 hs.
  3. Take the dough out of the fridge, wait 5 min, then roll it out and cut into rectangles 8cm x 4cm each. With a fork, mark a line in the middle.
  4. Place them on a baking paper. Place the m&ms on top of the cookies and take to the fridge for 30 more min.
  5.  Bake cookies for 10 min. Be careful not to over bake or the candy will burst.
  6.  Transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool.
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